Bukkit For Mac

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This Wiki is home to Bukkit's documentation and regulations surrounding the Bukkit Project and it's services. Want to help out? We would love to have you! Signup to get started!

This page is part of the official Bukkit Documentation

This page has been accepted and included in the official Bukkit Documentation. You can discuss discrepancies, issues, or errors in the article on its Talk page.

Preliminary notes

Choose which server type to use (Bukkit/Spigot/Vanilla) Easy automated setup; Progress bar, many options, fancy GUI. Over 30,000 servers set up (Most when this was AutoBukkitServer) Notes: - This tool is only for Macs. Permission to use icon - Spigot and Bukkit take longer as they need to compile from scratch, using BuildTools. V5.1 Mar 16, 2015 ©2020 Twitch Interactive, Inc About Careers Blog Press Brand Music Advertise Ad Choices Prime Partners Affiliates Developers. Bukkit is a simple API that allows for modifying the normal Minecraft multiplayer experience using plugins. Bukkit is now discontinued, and is no longer available for newer versions of Minecraft. Spigot, a version of Bukkit that boasts improving server performance is available. The API for Spigot is essentially the same as Bukkit. This is a premade bukkit server for all you mac users out there complete with some plugins To Add forge Just paste forge universal files in without decompressing it then play. As suggested by the comments I do not own bukkit or mac os x. Chip Download map now! Installing Most Plugins. Download a plugin of your choice. Place the.jar and any other files in your plugins directory. Run the server and wait for it to fully load.

Note: In this guide we refer to the server file as craftbukkit.jar but the file you download may be named differently. The file name used in your start script must match the name of the file you download.
Note: Unless you have a multi-homed machine and know what this means/requires, server-ip= in server.properties MUST remain unchanged from default and be blank.
Note: When running a server for the first time, errors will show up. Do not worry as this is normal; the server is generating files and folders needed to run as they do not exist yet.
Note: The Bukkit server is intended as a complete replacement for the official Minecraft Server downloaded from Minecraft.net and is not normally ran at the same time on a single computer. It is possible however, to copy your 'World' data files previously created within a Minecraft Server into your Bukkit folders to continue use of your previous game. As always, backup your data and configuration prior to migrating to Bukkit.


1. Get CraftBukkit's latest recommended build: CraftBukkit - Where can I get it?
2. Put the .jar file in the directory you'd like the server to run from
3. Open a text editor such as Notepad and type:
4. Save the document as run.bat (not as a .txt) in the same directory as craftbukkit.jar.
Note: With some programs such as Notepad, it may try saving as run.bat.txt. When saving to a file name, put the name in quotes: 'run.bat'
5. Double click run.bat and you're away!
6. To shut down, issue the 'stop' command in console.
If you see 'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.' then you need to reinstall Java. Still get this error? Follow this guide to adding Java to your system path.


1. Get CraftBukkit's latest build: CraftBukkit - Where can I get it?
2. Put the .jar in a folder, for this example we'll use a generic one: ~/craftbukkit
3. Move to the above directory in terminal with 'cd ~/craftbukkit'
4. Create a new file in the minecraft folder and name it craftbukkit.sh
5. Edit the file and paste this into it:
6. Make the file executable, either by running 'chmod +x ~/craftbukkit/craftbukkit.sh' in a terminal, or by changing the permissions in the file's properties.
7. Then, in terminal, type '~/craftbukkit/craftbukkit.sh' to run to start the server.
8. When you're done playing around, issue the 'stop' command in console.

If you plan to run the server more permanently an init script like this one (recommended) [1]

If you want to run your server with screen, you can use a script like this one (recommended) ABM

Mac OS X

  1. Install Java
    Since OS X 10.7 Java does not come packaged with OS X. You will need to install java from the Apple's website http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1421
  2. Obtaining the Server Files
    To run a server you will need the server jars, i.e. the server files. We will need a place to put the files.
    1. Create a New Folder
      Open up finder, and create a new folder in your Home folder named CraftBukkit
    2. Download the File
      Download the server files. You can download the latest builds from the front page of the wiki.
      Note: Download the stable build if you are not chasing the cutting edge in the development build
    3. Move the File
      Move the file from the Downloads folder to the CraftBukkit folder you created.
  3. Obtaining startup script
    To easily start the server you will need a startup script. The following is a basic server script to start your server.
    1. Open up TextEdit set it to plain text mode under format and paste the following in
    2. Save the file
      Save it in your CraftBukkit folder as start_server.command
    3. Allow the script to run
      1. Open up Terminal.app
      2. Type into Terminal.app
        chmod a+x
        Warning: Do not hit return
      3. drag the start_server.command into Terminal.app
      4. hit return
  4. Starting the server
    From this point on you can start the server by double-clicking start_server.command.
    You will need to run the server once for it to generate some configuration files.
    Warning: To stop the server, do not close the terminal/command prompt window. Instead, type 'stop' into the console. Closing the terminal window without stopping the server could lead to corruption of the save files.

Free rar mac os x.
ALTERNATE METHOD [Only for Advanced Users]:

Open Terminal (Found in Application/Utilities) and paste:

The server is installed on your Desktop, in 'Bukkit Server'. To start it double click 'LaunchServer.command'.


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Retrieved from 'https://bukkit.gamepedia.com/Setting_up_a_server?oldid=13898'


Bukkit is a simple API that allows for modifying the normal Minecraft multiplayer experience using plugins.

Bukkit is now discontinued, and is no longer available for newer versions of Minecraft. Spigot, a version of Bukkit that boasts improving server performance is available. The API for Spigot is essentially the same as Bukkit.


Minecraft VersionSpigot Download LinkRelease Date

Creating a Plugin

  • JDK 7 or Higher (Recommended: JDK 8+)

The simplest method to add the Bukkit API to your project is to download the Bukkit.jar directly from the Spigot Repository and add it to your project's classpath. Legacy versions of Bukkit can be found at the Bukkit Repository.

The other is to add it as a Maven dependency, by adding the following lines to your pom.xml :

The plugin's main class is the entry point for Bukkit to load an interact with your plugin. It is a class that extends JavaPlugin and only one instance of it should be created by your plugin. By convention it is good to give this class the same name as your plugin.

Bukkit for tekkit classic

Here is an example of a main plugin class for the plugin 'MyPlugin':

To access your plugin instance from another class, you'll need to store the instance of your MyPlugin class created by Bukkit so that is accessible from outside of the class.

Then, to access your main class from another class, simply use MyPlugin.getInstance()

The plugin.yml file goes in the root of your final jar file and provides essential information to Bukkit to load your plugin. The most simple plugin.yml looks like this

For example with the above MyPlugin class


BuildTools.jar is a solution to building Bukkit, CraftBukkit, Spigot, and the Spigot-API. All of which is done on your computer! A few prerequisite programs are necessary, but the instructions below will guide you through everything you need to do.

There are two applications necessary to use BuildTools: Git and Java.



In order for BuildTools to run on Windows, you will need to install Git. For Windows it is distributed via git-scm, which can be downloaded here. Install it where you like, it will provide git bash, which will be used to run the BuildTools jar. Just keep hitting next when running the installer.



Download JRE 8 from here and install. Just keep hitting next when running the installer.


Both git and Java, as well as util commands, can be installed using a single command via your package manager.

Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install git openjdk-7-jre-headless tar

CentOS/RHEL: sudo dnf install git java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel tar

Arch: pacman -S jdk8-openjdk git

Git can be downloaded from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/git-osx-installer/files/

Bukkit For Mac Download

Bukkit for mac commands

Java may need to be updated from the Apple distributed version, and even if previously updated, may need to be linked for shell use. Please follow steps found here: https://gist.github.com/johan/10590467

  1. Download BuildTools.jar from https://hub.spigotmc.org/jenkins/job/BuildTools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/BuildTools.jar.

  2. Open your terminal if you are on Linux, or git bash on Windows. Sudoku for mac.

    1. Git bash can be found on the desktop or in the Start menu under the name 'git bash'. It's also possible to open it by right-clicking on anything, as it is now an item in your context menu.
  3. Navigate to where you downloaded BuildTools.jar, or use the command line way to download the jar to your current directory.

    1. On Windows, you can either use the cd command to change directories, or you can right click the blank space of the folder where BuildTools.jar is (DO NOT click BuildTools.jar itself) and click 'git bash', which will open it in your current directory.
  4. Run BuildTools.jar from the terminal (Do not double-click BuildTools.jar) by doing the following:

    1. On Linux run git config --global --unset core.autocrlf, then run java -jar BuildTools.jar in bash or another appropriate shell.
    2. On Windows run the below command inside the git bash window that opened: java -jar BuildTools.jar Please be aware that it is required that you have BuildTools #35 or later, older versions will not work.
    3. On Mac run the below commands, export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx2G' java -Xmx2G -jar BuildTools.jar
    4. If you need older version, you can specify the version using --rev argument to BuildTools, for example for 1.8.8: java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.8.8
  1. Wait as it builds your jars. In a few minutes you should have freshly compiled jars!

  2. You can find CraftBukkit and Spigot in the same directory you ran the the BuildTools.jar in (for minecraft version 1.10, they would be craftbukkit-1.10.jar and spigot-1.10.jar). You can find Spigot-API in SpigotSpigot-APItarget (for minecraft version 1.10, it would be spigot-api-1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar).

Create a test server on Windows

To be able to create a server, you need to have the spigot or the bukkit jar file. Reefer to the versions topic to select your jar

  1. First, create a new folder. In that folder, put the spigot/bukkit jar file.
  2. Right click in the folder, and choose New > Text Document.
  3. Name the new document start.bat, right click on it and click Edit.
  4. Add the following code:

Hp scan utilities for mac. Don't forget to change {YOUR_JAR.jar} for the jar you downloaded before starting these topics.

  1. You can edit -Xms to change the minimum allowed RAM (Ex: -Xms1024M = 1024MB, -Xms1G = 1GB). You can also edit -Xmx to change the maximum allowed RAM. Make sure the maximum is bigger than the minimum.
  2. Save the file, close the window and start your start.bat file. Your server should now open. To run the server, you must accept the EULA.
  3. If you agree to the EULA, open eula.txt change eula=false to eula=true Click 'Save' and then you should now be able to start your server.
  4. To connect to your server, run the start.bat , open Minecraft, add a server and put localhost as the IP.

Bukkit Mac Download

Bukkit For Minecraft